The digital tools potential in terms of urban territories mediation and valorisation is very important. The city of tomorrow is now built around a range of technologies: smarphone, connected objects, smart furniture… But this “enriched” city will not happen without a creative and participative use of these technologies. Dedale provides an original approach to address these challenges by considering city storytelling as a key element of its service offer. Dédale provides innovative devices to urban stakeholders enabling them to read, understand and write the city with their residents.
> Conception of tailored urban digital services
> Conception and animation of participative workshops: shared digital cartography, data co-conception, memory
> Conception and animation of urban digital walks
> Assistance and consulting on innovation devices realisation for public authorities
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In situ and in vivo experimentation of digital solutions for city storytellingBanque Public d'Investissement - Région Île-de-France – Appel à manifestation d’intérêt « Expérimentation de projets innovants in vivo et in situ sur le territoire francilien » Ministère de la Culture et de la communication – DPT Recherche et Technologies Commission Européenne – DG Recherche Innovation 2013-2015 Sinapolis, Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, INA, Memoways, C-Side, OOFFEE, Vivacités, les Promenades urbainesCommission européenne, Ministère de la culture et de la communication, BPI France, Ile de France, Mairie de ParisSmartCity, AthenaPlus, ENOLL, Cap Digital2008/2015
Dédale | Paris | Tél : +33 (0) 6 31 13 35 74 |
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