Festival Emergences



Artistic networking plateform Paris - Strasbourg

28 September | 20h30 > 01h00

During its 2004 Emergences festival, Dédale initiated an artistic cooperation with Les Nuits électroniques de l’Ososphère, a festival set at La Laiterie in Strasbourg.
Both festivals are back again working together this year as they will put forward a simultaneous programme of network performances and creations, of digital experiments, and of live retransmissions. They will also set up Point Radio, a temporary radio created for the event and whose content will originate from the dual programming.
The networking initiated here aims at generating artistic connections between the two festivals and allow spectators from the two spots to enter a common universe – a sort of virtual meta-festival – to live a new experience and to meet up.

La radio d’Emergences et Ososphère

Creating a temporary radio common to both events and supplied live from the various geographical spots of each festival. The thematic radio programme is to be broadcast live in Paris and Strasbourg during the two festivals and will be available online in audio streaming.


Ososphère and Emergences are together opening an audiovisual window that will be at the heart of the event: from La Laiterie (Strasbourg) eyes will see into Emergences, while sights of Ososphère will be caught from the Maison de La Villette. Looking at each other, side glancing at each other perhaps, “my eyes into your eyes” will literally define the relationship the spectators of the two events will experience with together.

Mobil'art / tennis paris-strasbourg

2 players in Paris, 2 in Strasbourg and 4 mobile phones to send out each other a virtual ball through SMS and delivered to the according opponent... The German collective Susigames extends the classical PONG match to a multiplayer game.


Susigames +.........
